Emergency and Survival Knives

Knives to help make surviving easier!

A knife is an essential part of any adventure and will always come in handy.

Knives give you the ability to craft tools, shred wood to start a fire, and defend yourself from the wild.

Never underestimate the usefulness of a knife in any survival situation.

$3.13 $2.50
08606001 - Key Knife Carded In Display Box
In stock

$3.13 $2.50
08606500 - Quick Knife Carded In Display Box
In stock

$18.75 $15.00
FCH04 - Master Cutlery 8" Skinning Knife
In stock

$29.96 $23.97
TSA - 16 Function Swiss Army Style Pocket Knife
In stock

$13.93 $11.14
C940 - Master Cutlery 4 Function Folding Pocket Knife
In stock

$21.34 $17.07
NK23 - Plain Edge Hunting Knife With Sheath
In stock

$21.34 $17.07
YD111 - 9-1/4" Skinning Knife With Sheath
In stock

$13.93 $11.14
C7238A-B - 3-3/4" Liner Lock Pocket Knife With Clip
In stock

$65.19 $52.15
F03TNCP - SOG Jungle Primitive Survival Knife
In stock

$49.81 $39.85
In stock